Monday, March 28, 2011

I've got six more weeks, try and tell me that doesn't sound sweet

Just a little somethin' somethin'
I've spent a lot of time up in the Don Morris and all I have to say is
there are some pretty weird art kids.
And I can not believe how my first year of college is almost over!

ABC/Children's Book for 2D - so much fun!
ABC's of Coffee Shops and Random Eating Spots

B- Burger, C- Cappuccino 
A- Appetizer, D- Diner
made the display case - heyo!

2D Verse Project
Isaac gives Jacob the blessing

Figure Drawing
Hey who's that!

Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing


  1. Nice. I like the last one alot. Did you do it in pen?

  2. It's like a colored charcoal! Miss you Jenn! Thank you!!
